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Prevost, H[ippolyte], editeur. Monuments of St.-Petersbourg.

Prevost, H[ippolyte], editeur. Monuments of St.-Petersbourg. 6 plts. Figures by V.S. Sadovnikov, engraved on a lith. stone by Karl Ioakhim Beggrov (4) and P.S. Ivanov (2). It’s suite was published without the title page. Sankt-Petersbourg, M. Tualev’s printing-house, 1833. Contemporary half calf edit. binding with gilt lettering on the front cover. In-4°. The complete set! Extremely rare!






A good series of artists: Beggrov — Ivanov — Sadovnikov, who certainly made the brightest trace in the history of Russian lithography. Once look at the panorama of Nevskiy Avenue, which Sadovnikov made in 29/30 pages in folio and which shocked the contemporaries; by the way, its left part was lithographed by P. S. Ivanov. In his work, V. S. Sadovnikov deviated from the stereotypes accepted at that time introduced a sharply frontal view instead of face view that gave an opportunity to demonstrate the architecture shapes and details with amazing accuracy. The trustworthy views is emphasised with the same diligence by the given texts of advertising notices, examples of shop window decorations, offices, workshops, as well as figures of persons, who were readily recognised by their contemporaries. Sadovnikov demonstrated his exclusive talent of view artist also in his Monuments. They included pictures of all the central squares in Petersburg with their decorating sculptural monuments and typical staff (people, horses, carriages, etc.), which draw our attention by the same interrelations of the view principle and everyday life aspects in the art image of the city. Neither Beggrov nor Ivanov failed. They translated the author's pictures in stone, showed with surprising tact the shades and tones of Sadovnikov, which amaze the imagination. There is no special sense to discuss legendary Karl Jochim Beggrov, who left his giant heritage in parting and graphics. Just visit museums once again. All the aforementioned suite is given in the book Russian Lithography by Galina Mirolyubova (Moscow, 2006, pages 73 to 75).

Reference literature:

1. Tevyashov E.N. «Materialy», Spb., 1910, pt. 3, №536.

2. N.V. Solovyov’s antique-shop. Catalogue №105 «Livres Rares» Spb., 1910, №433 (25 roubles, very rare!).

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